Let me tell you of God's goodness. A few weeks ago I was praying that God would encourage me, because support raising has been so difficult. I began reading a book called People Raising. It was very good, so I contact the author and we got to know each other. He invited me to a People Raising workshop. The only problem was it was in Kansas City, MO. Well, I prayed for about a week asking God if I should spend the money to attend and decided that I should take the step of faith and book all the necessary reservations. The next day I received 2 unexpected checks in the mail that covered the total expense. ;-) One was with a note that read "Have a great summer!"

My mother offered me the use of a Buddy Pass, so I got a round-trip flight for under $200 to Kansas City. There was only one catch; I had to fly stand-by, which meant that only if there was a seat on the plane then I would get on. I arrived at 4:30am at the airport to be informed that all flights were over sold and if I did get to Salt Lake City that I would not get on the next flight to Kansas City. Well, to make a long story short... I told Lisa that she could go home and I was going to trust that I would make it. At each gate they told me the same thing, but God worked it out, so that I flew First Class all the way to Kansas City. ;-)
On the way back it was the same story. The last leg I was number 13 of 23 on the stand-by list… everyone had boarded and they announced that all stand-by passengers would have to wait for the next flight, which was the next morning. I was sitting next to another man that was also flying stand-by and he told me this was his 3rd day trying to get on and that he would never use a Buddy Pass again. Next thing you know... I heard them call 3 passengers up to the gate to stand there and wait. One was an airline steward, then they called a few more stand-by passengers, but they had left already. They called me, so I went up the counter and asked if I could give my spot to the man that had been waiting 3-days. She said that is very nice of you, but if you give up your seat we have to give it to the next person on the list. She then told me that I can get on the plane. The 3 others standing waiting looked at her like “hey, we're here before him,” but I just followed directions and went to the plane. I couldn't believe... from #13 on the list to getting on a full plane. I took the last seat. The other stand-by passengers all ended up having to wait for the next day. I was blown away and just kept shaking my head in awe that I was on my way back to San Diego!
That is not all... in my early 20's I served at Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa in the High School Ministry. One of the teen girls looked me up on FaceBook and found out I was going to Kansas City, so she asked if she could introduce me to her family and if I would share with them about our ministry. Well, she brought her mother-in-law too and after dinner when they were dropping me back at the hotel her mother-in-law asked if she could give me a gift for our ministry. I was so blessed by her generosity! It was just what we needed to make it through another month. GOD IS GOOD!
I was also encouraged when the instructor at the workshop invited me out to dinner with him and his wife. What an opportunity that was for me to "pick their brains."
If you have a story of God's Goodness we would love to hear it, so please share it with us by clicking "comments" below.
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Thank you for your words of encouragement. The Sales Family