Dear Friends,
With the coming of the New Year we will be branching off from FaithQuest Missions to begin our own missions mobilizing organization, Reaching the Hungry, in Word & deed. Our mission will be to mobilize churches to put their faith into action by reaching those that are hungry spiritually & physically throughout the world. We will be going to new countries, will be offering new serving opportunities, & have lined up some new partners. Some of you are wondering….why a new organization? If we haven’t gotten a chance to fill you in, here’s the long version. If you have any questions or want to talk, please feel free to call.
It has been one of the most challenging yet fruitful years of my life. We have met some of God’s poorest children & have, with your help, brought hope to them in Christ’s name. I have been to China exploring serving opportunities; I took Lisa with me to Malawi this year (they loved her); & I have witnessed over & over the miracle of lives transformed by God’s Word through the Talking Bible. Ministry has never been sweeter! On a personal level, we have experienced tremendous financial strain as we endure these uncertain financial times & to our dismay, our Gracie has been diagnosed (after a long & painful process) with fibromyalgia. Life is hard, life is not fair & yet God is very, very good. Lisa & I love this work, we feel it a privilege to be used in God’s service & we count it such an honor that we have the prayers & support of so many dear friends.
It has been tremendously rewarding serving under John & Lori Gash of FaithQuest Missions. John has blessed me with his unending enthusiasm & exuberance for God’s work, & he has given me experience & confidence to step out into what God calls me to next. Watching hope wash over the desperate expression of someone in extreme need has been the highlight of all my years of service. Thank you John for letting me see this! The past three years of compassion ministry have instilled in me an urgent & compelling need to mobilize workers & resources to continue this work of reaching the hungry. My heart has been broken over & over again. My head has been reeling with ideas & strategies & I’ve felt the Lord nudging me to take a step of faith & explore new ways to accomplish His work.
What I loved most about pastoring in the local church was the opportunity to motivate & equip the body of believers for service. Especially rewarding was watching someone move out of their comfort zone, take a leap of faith & then experience God’s grace on a whole new level. Before my season as a pastor, Lisa & I loved short term mission’s trips. We used a lot of our vacation time for service in other countries. We were especially drawn to the poor & working on relief projects. I can see that God has uniquely prepared me to combine these experiences & desires into my next season of Kingdom work. I intend to tailor mission’s opportunities & programs to meet the needs of U.S. pastors. I intend to bridge the gap between the affluent & sometimes complacent U.S. Congregations & the desperately hungry (spiritually & physically) throughout the world. I intend to foster global perspective & facilitate long-term relationships between our brothers & sisters in the field & in the local body. I intend to save lives, with serving opportunities to meet physical needs & to save lives for eternity with the Gospel of Christ.
This is a God sized vision, & I am thrilled the Lord has entrusted it to me. I have faith & peace that He will bring His purpose to pass & am so honored that He is allowing me to watch Him work! Lisa & I are anticipating a new year of challenges & triumphs. We will need your help dear friends, your prayers & your financial support. Will you ask the Lord if He has a new level of commitment for you to help reach the hungry in 2011?
Carlos & Lisa <<== In development.
P.S. If you are a web designer/programmer, or a graphics person and would be willing to help please let me know. I need a marketing/branding person too.
FROM NOW ON, PLEASE SEND YOUR DONATIONS TO THE FOLLOWING .. Reaching the Hungry ~ 755 Vista Canyon Circle; Vista, CA 92084
~ OR ~
North Coast Church ~ 2405 N Santa Fe Ave.; Vista, CA 92084
NOTE: Please write “Carlos & Lisa Sales” on the memo line
of your check if you send it to our church.
For more info please click HERE.