That day He allowed us to be the answer to a special prayer… you see one mother was crying out for help, because she just found out that her little boy had AIDS.

As we drove in, we saw moms sitting in the dirt with their babies and little ones trying to feed them with the little food they had. It was a very unsettling, haunting sight; none of us had ever seen anything like it in the U.S. If we walked up to a situation like this at home, we’d be compelled to do something to help. However, we’re from Southern California, insulated from these scenes of poverty by the tremendous busyness in each of our lives. There’s school, work, church, the gym, and a needed stop at Starbucks. Every day is so full!
As we learned why they were sitting in the dirt and not under a roof, we started to do what we could to make a difference for those moms. As I look back, I realize that fixing the huts for the moms and babies was only a part of what God had in mind. That day He allowed us to be the answer to a special prayer… you see one mother was crying out for help, because she just found out that her little boy had AIDS. I just can’t imagine seeing my wife and son in that predicament. This little boy, Chimwemwe, was about the size of my son Chase.
Chimwemwe grabbed the hearts of all of us, but especially the young lady in our group named Monique. God used Monique in such a powerful way to lift the spirits of Chimwemwe and his mother. God just poured out His love to them using Monique as a willing vessel. We connected with one of our World Vision partners to see if we could get Chimwemwe into the World Vision Child Sponsorship database, so that Monique could sponsor him and help meet his family’s needs. This was a big encouragement to Chimwemwe and his mother. As a sponsored child, he would receive the medication and nutrition that he needs to have a better chance of survival. Later that afternoon we all went back to our camp and couldn’t help but want to try to brighten up Chimwemwe a little if we could, so we found items that we could give him. I had an outfit from my son Chase that was just his size… now I knew why I carried that outfit all the way to the other side of the world. We had a soccer ball, some toys, etc., so Monique put it all together and was compelled to return to the hospital. All of us wanted to be there to see a smile on Chimwemwe and his mother’s face.
I learned my lesson well that day… if I can make a difference in just one person’s life, then I made a difference in the world.
"If anyone has material possessions and sees his brother in need but has no pity on him, how can the love of God be in him?"
Together we can all make a BIG difference. Will you join Lisa and me as we mobilize THE CHURCH to shine bright for Christ in this world? Let me tell you how you can make a difference… please contact me today. or (760) 208-1511.
Sponsor a child through World Vision; one of our ministry partners. Click HERE.
Sponsor a child through World Vision; one of our ministry partners. Click HERE.
~ OR ~
Use our online Giving Catalog for Malawi, click HERE. Stay tuned as I share with you how another person has made a big difference to an entire village. Your family can too!!
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Thank you for your words of encouragement. The Sales Family